Emilia Bulatt, Reiki Master & Instructor
I am a practitioner of the traditional Usui Reiki system, with 15 years of experience as a surgery practice manager for top surgeons in NYC.
As a natural intuitive empath, working with crystals and skilled at reading and listening to the body, I provide the support of Reiki exactly where it is needed, reducing pain and discomfort while also enhancing the body’s natural flow. I completed my 100 + hours of Reiki Master training at the New York Open Center of Holistic and Professional Learning. I’ve learned protocols for specific ailments and areas of the body, techniques for application on psychological levels, as well as a greater variety of modes of touch, in addition to the Reiki 1 and 2 basic techniques. I’ve received advanced training in the chakra balancing, additional symbol thought-forms and healing consciousness processes. I’ve dedicated myself to my own healing and transformation, as well as that of my clients.
As a Reiki 4 practitioner I've completed year-long course under esteemed Reiki Master Joanna Crespo preparing me to become a Reiki Instructor and I’ve accepted the commitment and responsibility to initiate and train others in the Reiki System of Natural Healing.
Additionally, I’m an Ordained Minister with the Sanctuary of the Beloved, Inc. of the State of New York and I’ve completed training at The International End of Life Doula Association dedicated to advancing the end of life doula approach and bringing deeper meaning to the dying and their loved ones.